Naked Aggression

Naked Aggression originated from Madison

Naked Aggression originated from Madison, WI, in late 1990 as an American hardcore punk band founded in protest against the first Gulf War and right-wing ideologies. Led by Kirsten Patches on vocals and Phil Suchomel on lead guitar, the band advocates for libertarian socialism, feminism, and anarchism.

Activism in Music

Naked Aggression actively supports various causes through benefit shows, including Food Not Bombs, AIDS research, pro-choice groups, women’s clinics, rape crisis centers, and more. Their impactful presence was captured in Penelope Spheeris’ 1998 documentary The Decline of Western Civilization III.

Musical Journey and Outreach

Shortly after formation, the band relocated to Oakland, CA, and later to Los Angeles. From 1991 to 1998, Naked Aggression released three full-length records, three seven inches, a live record, and several exclusive compilation songs. They extensively toured the United States, Mexico, Canada, and Europe, leaving their punk imprint across continents.

In 1996, Penelope Spheeris featured the band in The Decline of Western Civilization: Part III, marking Phil’s debut soundtrack recording. However, tragedy struck in 1998 as Phil succumbed to complications from chronic asthma, halting the band’s momentum.

Resurgence and Continued Message

After a hiatus marked by mourning and individual projects, Kirsten rekindled Naked Aggression in 2003. Fueled by intense anger and frustration with world politics, she sought to revive the band’s message in the face of geopolitical parallels to over a decade ago. Since the reformation, Naked Aggression has toured the U.S. and Europe, recently releasing a split LP with Die Schwarzen Schaffe on Compary Records. Currently, they are actively crafting new songs for an upcoming full-length album.

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